Treaty of Las Vegas
In an unprecedented move, the Technocracy and the Traditions came to an agreement and built a neutral zone of sorts, based in and around Las Vegas. This mutual non-aggression and non-interference pact has allowed a safe haven of sorts for members of both factions, and is a potential step towards the end of the Ascension War.
The Technocracy has always worked to safeguard the Masses through control of reality. They posit that if they can control the deviancy in reality, they can keep people safe. The Traditions wish for freedom for the Masses, viewing the Technocratic control as a nicely decorated prison for those who don't know any better. In the end, their goals have always been similar: the enlightening and safety of the Masses. As the Technocracy attempted to tighten their grip through incidents like Prohibition, they realized more and more that stamping out all sin and vice was as counterproductive as it was difficult. Often, the Masses would see their imposed safety as tyranny and rebel, sometimes violently. This in of itself created danger to the masses and threatened the very safety the Technocracy was trying to protect.
Shortly before World War II, high ranking members of the New World Order came to the reluctant conclusion that sin and vice were a necessary part of the Masses, and that stamping it out was doing no one any good. They proposed taking over the centers of such activity and controlling them, so they could at least direct the deviancy, and thus still maintain control and safety of the Masses. They had just one problem. Promoting such activities was not something they were good at. The Traditions, on the other hand, were excellent at promoting deviancy, and with even greater reluctance, the New World Order proposed an idea to the rest of the Union.
The idea was to establish a collaborative agreement with the Traditions to run the biggest location of deviancy, Las Vegas. In this proposition, it was stated that by working with them, the Union could more readily monitor and control unwelcome influences, without risking the rebellion of the Masses. Though there were vehement outcries against an idea like this, it was eventually agreed to be the best solution for the time being. The Union tasked the Syndicate and the New World Order conventions specifically with approaching and accomplishing the idea.
As World War II broke out, the focus on the collaborative idea faltered a bit. The New World order was needed to spin propaganda about the war to keep the masses of varied countries happy, while the Syndicate had to find ways of funding the massive conflict. Iteration X and the Progentiors were sent to the forefront of conflicts to help direct it to the best outcome, while the Void Engineers worked to repel alien invaders keen on taking advantage of the distracted peoples of the planet. For the first two years of the conflict, the proposition was nearly forgotten.
It was dredged up again by William Smith, a Grey Suit agent of the New World Order. He had been recently transferred into the division that was supposed to make the proposition happen, and was appalled that no real progress had been made. Realizing that even in times of conflict, such a far reaching idea could not be left undone, he started the first major work on the project. With contacts established through years of undercover work, he pushed through and attempted to contact the Traditions in Las Vegas.
His efforts were unsuccessful initially, but proved fruitful when a contingent of mages approached his temporary offices in Las Vegas. The group consisted of Travis Sinclair, a member of the Cult of Ecstasy and what could best be described as bodyguards on either side, both of the Euthanatos tradition. They all met under guarded, neutral conditions to discuss why the Technocracy was so keen on talking for the first time. Smith explained in detail the need to maintain a center for the masses to blow off steam, and that the Union was simply not equipped to correctly run it. Smith and Sinclair conferred for several hours on the subject, with Sinclair eventually leaving in agreement with the agent.
Sinclair returned to his own Tradition, and through the Dreamline, contacted several higher level members of the Cult, and through them other similar people in other traditions. In April of 1943, representatives from the Traditions met with representatives of the Technocracy at Hotel Last Frontier, a freshly built hotel in Las Vegas. Each had in tow legal teams from the Order of Hermes and the Syndicate, respectively, and together they began hammering out details of the agreement behind closed doors. The agreement itself had both sides threatening to leave the table at times, but eventually a compromise was found, with both sides being able to call themselves content with it.
The result was the Treaty of Las Vegas, a formal pact of non-aggression and non-interference as well as mutual cooperation covering the greater metropolitan area of Las Vegas, as well as the creation of the Las Vegas Neutral District. The Treaty was officially signed by the representatives of the Technocratic Union and the Traditions on August 4, 1945 and placed into force the following year.
No document in history has had such wide-reaching effects as the Treaty of Las Vegas. By effectively declaring a neutral zone of non-aggression for both sides, Las Vegas has become a haven for refugees and those fleeing persecution. Both sides have ardently defended and upheld the Treaty and its declarations, realizing the importance of its presence. As a result, refugees that enter the Las Vegas Neutral District are afforded the protection of Neutrality, but only within the actual borders of the District itself. Once they choose to leave, they are again subject to the trials and tribulations of the ongoing Ascension War between the Technocracy and the Traditions. Many have opted not to leave, despite the requirements the Treaty places upon them.
The Treaty itself was signed and created as a magickal document. In a collaborative effort, the Union and the Traditions created a massive effect that covered the precise area of the Neutral District, and made it so that any enlightened person, be they a member of the Traditions or the Technocracy, receives a copy of the Treaty shortly after their arrival within the city. Opening the document instantly inscribes their signature and agreement to the document itself, and declares that the individual is bound by all the tenets of the Treaty. Should someone wish to not follow the Treaty, the document mentions that they have 24hrs to complete their business and leave the city. It further mentions that their activities are monitored, and wanton deviancy or dangerous activities against the masses or the contracting parties of the Treaty can result in measured responses from all involved.
While the magick involved in the delivery and acceptance of the Treaty was viewed by many as going too far, it was accepted as a necessary task. The integrity and enforcement of such a document could not be maintained if people could simply claim ignorance of document itself or it's ramifications.
Because of the stipulations of the Treaty, varied members of each side have been called into service for a number of reasons, all to help uphold or further the enforcement of the Treaty. Some object to this as well, calling it forced servitude, but acknowledge it as part of the payment for being able to live free from the direct oppression of the other side.
Most notable of the ramifications come from not what is included and stated, but what is ommitted. Due to their unaffiliated status, neither Hollow Ones nor mages labled as Orphans are covered under the letter of the treaty. Similarly, no other supernaturals are protected either. The Orphans and Hollow Ones are quite used to being left out or ignored, and as such haven't put up much of a fight. The other supernaturals, such as Fae, Werewolves, and Vampires, however, have been up in arms over the Treaty's ability to grant near genocidal tendencies without repercussions. Thus far, their objections have fallen upon deaf ears.
Text of the Treaty
Treaty of Las Vegas
The Technocratic Union, (consisting of the Conventions identified as Iteration X, The New World Order, Progenitors, Syndicate and Void Engineers and their aware employees) and the Collective Traditions of Magi (consisting of the nine recognized Traditions of Magi identified as Akashic Brotherhood, Celestial Chorus, Cult of Ecstacy, Dreamspeakers, Euthanatos, Order of Hermes, Sons of Ether, Verbena and Virtual Adepts), hereafter known as the "contracting parties",
In view of the need of a location of release for the Masses,
Acknowledge the necessity of the establishment, control and operation of a directed venue to appease the Public,
Firmly believe that the maintenance of such a venue be beneficial to the long term health of the Masses,
With the hope of promoting a healthy working relationship between the contracting parties,
Understand the need for a localized cessation of hostilities,
Do agree to the following:
Article 1
In accordance with existing principles and norms of mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each others' internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence, the contracting parties agree to maintain and enforce the creation and continuation of the Las Vegas Neutral Disctrict.
Article 2
As a necessity for protecting the Masses within Las Vegas as well as the reality and consensus within the protected area, the parties agree to limit and control their own uses of magickal effects in order to maintain the stability and safety of all within the District.
Article 3
The Las Vegas Neutral District is defined as an area centering on the intersection of Interstates 15 and 515, and extending out to cover the entire Las Vegas greater metropolitan area. This Disctrict extends for two miles further from the center past Interstate 215, which comprises the southern and western borders. It extends two miles further from the center past Highway 215, comprising the rest of the western and all of the northern border. On the east it extends one mile beyond North Hollywood Blvd. The District contains the areas identified as Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, East Las Vegas, and Henderson. Areas specifically not under protection include anything beyond the mentioned boundaries, and Nellis Air Force Base.
Article 4
Due to the ratio of the Masses to the members of the parties, each agrees that any member formally aligned with either party may be called to duty so long as they reside within the District. Duty can include, but is not limited to, investigation of supernatural events, resolution of potential and confirmed treaty violations, attendance in trial of peers as a witness or juror, and defense from aggressive violators.
Article 5
In keeping with the ideals established within the United States of Due Process, the parties agree that any member of either party that is suspected of violations of this agreement are to be given all opportunities for a fair arrest, trial and sentencing from their peers.
Article 6
Recognizing that intentional violators can be unwilling to exercise their opportunities for trial, justifiable force in resolving suspected violations is authorized by and for members of both parties as deemed necessary. All members involved in forceful resolutions must fully document and submit to verification processes to insure the validity and necessity of acts of violence within their duties. Members who act upon violations as vigilantes may be addressed as violators themselves, and can be acted upon in accordance with this agreement.
Article 7
In realizing that not all sources of danger to the Masses originate from the Parties, each agrees to subdue, obscure or eliminate threats to the Masses from other supernatural sources, including but not limited to Faeries, Vampires, Shapeshifters, and Spirits. Documentation and verification of such events is duly required from any member involved in such events.
Article 8
For a period of one hundred (100) years shall this treaty remain in effect between the agreeing parties. After such time, the parties agree that the existing text may be renewed or a new treaty may be drawn up or neither, instead choosing to let this agreement simply lapse as needed.
Article 9
The present treaty shall be ratified in good and due form and the ratifications shall be exchanged within six (6) months after the date of the Signature by the Ambassadors of the agreeing parties, or sooner if possible.
Done at Las Vegas the fourth day of August in the one hundred sixty-ninth year of the United States of America, and August 4, 1945.
See Also
Las Vegas Neutral District
Las Vegas on Wikipedia