From GamingVerse
Note: This is an incharacter thread for BloodSugarSexMagik game hosted by Steph
Proxy Subsystem Enabled. Connection.Obfuscation TRUE SSH Security Enabled. Beginning Session..... Welcome to the Digital Web. Privacy isn't in an option it's a mandate. All activities taken or seen are that of the takers or seers. Any questions please send a Message to the @Sysop. NY.Valhalla > list users [00:02 09-10-96 ] Sysop from <unknown> [00:02 09-10-96 ] Byte from <Private> [00:02 09-10-96 ] KidAfrica from <digital.web.NA.LA.NewOrleans> [00:02 09-10-96 ] DaNoyd from <digital.web.EU.UK.London> [00:02 09-10-96 ] Jesusberry from <Private> [00:02 09-10-96 ] Guest2116 from <Digital.web.NA.NY.Valhalla> System.Digital.Web <> @Sysop has invited you to join a chat. Accept? (Y/N) NY.Valhalla > Y Beginning Chat....Done. Securing User Connection....Done. Detecting User Processes....Binary. Running Trinary -> Binary Emulation...............Done. Launching Chat Service. @Sysop> Who are you and how did you get here? MalPhunkTi0N> just taking a look around, nice digs you got here. @Sysop> Thanks...Who are you again? MalPhunkTi0N> a curious cat looking for a ball of yarn. Are you a taker or a seer? @Sysop> A little bit of both.,,,,, DaNoyd> Who teh fuck is this? You letting any asshole off the web in here now? I thought this was l337 only... @Sysop> Trying to find out....He's new....might have sleepwalked in here.... (* System Message: Firewall blocked port scan from address *) DaNoyd> Fuck Kid? I though u were on sec... KidAfrica> I am...Looking into it.... (*System Message: Firewall blocked DDoS attack. IP Range (Digital.web.NA.NY*) KidAfrica> So newguy..whats ur name? MalPhunkTi0N> read the output, it comes from my input. I like yas style, looks fun :) KidAfrica> Careful now...this is not teh place to make enemies. @Sysop> So Mal...what are you looking for? It must be something good, small towns like Valhalla, the good folks are in bed by 10... MalPhunkTi0N> never said anything about being a good one :P but folks like us are rare, the ones who are looking for something, spending nights at this magic box searching for something that amuses us. KidAfrica> True nuff. :) DaNoyd> Who the fuck said u was anyting leik us @Sysop> Back off Noyd...he found his way here, let him look around. DaNoyd> Fuck that DaNoyd> I had to put in my teim before i could get a digiweb account. @Sysop> Yeah you used to beg and beg, maybe he's just more hardcore then you....more 31337... :P @Sysop> Mal, who's been showing you the ropes? MalPhunkTi0N> no disrespect Noyd, i honor yas skillz. ive been piecing stuff together, picking up bits and pieces trying to fit it into the puzzle. Was thinking I could get to know some ropes here if yas are chill. @Sysop> LOL DaNoyd> Whatever... KidAfrica> We got lots of ropes...and whips...and chains....and leather...and.... @Sysop> You know I have a TMI policy in place...Kid...Don't make me ban you again... KidAfrica> One time with the ball gag, and the sysop gets all PowerTrippy.... *** User:KidAfrica Has been disconnected(Processor Fire detected) *** @Sysop> As I was saying.....Ask questions poke around. You can keep your Guest access...Until you earn stripes... @Sysop has gone AFK. (Aliens, Girlfriends, technocrats or Bunnies. I fear them all. *hide*) *** User:Byte has returned from AFK *** Byte> Sy wait... Byte> Fuck.... Byte> Hey new guy...what's up? MalPhunkTi0N> Hey Byte, what's the most rad hack you done this year? Sys you should fear bunnies... evil evil bunnies @.@ Byte> Most wicked hack....Fuck...uhm...Sampling Sinatra w/ Slipknot and giving it a beat 600 people danced to for hours...See club kids grinding to Frank Sinatra is about as l33t as you get. MalPhunkTi0N> rofl noice please tell me you syc'd lighting with teh beat. must feed, brb @MalPhunkTi0N has gone AFK. (Honey Comb's big! Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's not, no, no!) Byte> Coo...Midnite snacks ftw! Byte> And of course the lights were in sync... *** User:MalPhunkTi0N has returned from AFK *** MalPhunkTi0N> got my cereal, got my milk, a spoon, now i just need some stories. What yall do for fun, I could use some inspiration. ;D Byte> Inspiration? What do you do? What are you looking to find? Information is free for the taking, you just have to know what you want to take. Be subtle in thy arts. Yo. ** Sysop Snorts. ** MalPhunkTi0N> I have much to learn then. Taking seems to be too harsh, like I'm depriving the world something. I rather show it something unexpected. Byte> Taking is too harsh? What do you mean? By learning information you are not depriving anyone of anything. Knowledge is power! Gather as much knowledge as you can, it can only help you. NEVER let anyone deprive you of knowledge, or tell you there is something you can't learn. @Sysop> Unless it's the stuff he can't learn. :P MalPhunkTi0N> pfft. can't isn't a real thing, it's a negative mindset :P DaNoyd> guy's a philosopher...OOOoooo AAAAaaah...How old are you anyways? Philosophy 101? High School English? MalPhunkTi0N> lol noyd. i just plays em as i sees em. does age really matter though, great thing about this is we can all be something were not. DaNoyd> And wtf do you want to be? ZeroCool? Gonna hack the Gibson? MalPhunkTi0N> haha hadn't thought that far ahead noyd. im just a kid afterall :P DaNoyd> Just a kid? fuck that. *** User:DaNoyd Has been kicked.(What part of play nice did you fail to grasp?) *** *** User:DaNoyd Has joined. *** DaNoyd> Sorry Sy....why are you letting a kid in here? @Sysop> I didn't let him in, he found his way. So..he can stay. @Sysop> so Mal, what do you think of my little slice of web? MalPhunkTi0N> very nice. got a good feed from here.