Besk Ak

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Mike W.

Physical Description

Besk Ak is a Bothan, 5 feet tall with light brown "mood fur." His fur reacts to his emotions with various ripples. He is 30 years of age, and wieghs 150.

Class and Level

7th Level Information Broker (2 levels of Scoundrel, 4 levels of Noble, and 2 level of master spy prestige class)*

  • Master Spy level info still needs to be added to Besk's stats on this page


Strength-- 13(+1) Dexterity--17(+3) Constitution--13(+1) Intelligence--12 (+1) Wisdom--12(+1) Charisma--14 (+2)

Combat Information

Melee-- +5 Ranged-- +7 Defense--16 Initiative-- +7


Blaster Pistol (AB 6, Damage 3D6, Critical 20, Range 10m, 1kg, Energy, Small)


Appraise-5, Astrogate-4, Balance-4, Bluff-7, Climb 1, Computer Use-7, Craft Computers-3, Demolitions-5, Diplomacy-8, Disable Device 3, Disguise-5, Escape Artist-5, Entertain-3, Forgery-4, Gamble-3, Gather Info-12, Hide-7, Listen-3, Move Silently-7, Repair-3, Spot-2


Weapons Profficency (Blaster Pistols) Weapons Profficiency (Simple Weapons) Low Profile False Identity Imroved Initiative

Special Abilities

Illicit Barter Favor +2 Inspire Confidence Lucky/ 1 per day Resource Access