Monsignor O'Donnell

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Vital Information
Gender Male
Race Caucasian
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Character stuff
Nature unknown
Demeanor unknown
Essence unknown
Chantry Black Church
Cabal Black Church
Player NPC



Much about Monsignor O'Donnell is still unknown. There have been a few documented encounters that a few of the various chantries have had with this Nephandi, and each of these encounters has proven deadly.

The first known encounter was with Tony Morgan. Serving as the liaison between the Vatican and Tony Morgan, Monsignor O'Donnell provided information and assignments to the Knight of the Cross on behalf of the Vatican. When it became known to Tony Morgan that the Vatican had fallen to the Black Church, Tony Morgan, with the reluctant assistance of Jonathan Swak, attempted to apprehend the suspected Nephandi. Instead, Jonathan Swak was rendered incapacitated by Monsignor O'Donnell, and Tony Morgan was manuevered into a position of vulnerability. His mind shield had been weakened by Monsignor O'Donnell, significantly enough to allow the shadow of a Demonic entity to penitrate Tony Morgan's mind shield, and was able to gain control over the Chorester. When physical and pyschological torture by the demonic entity had failed to break Tony Morgan and get him to surrender Fidelaccious, it was Monsignor O'Donnell who decided to slit Jonathan Swak's throat in front of Tony Morgan, and break his spirit. Monsignor O'Donnell succeeded in separating Fidelaccious from its Knight. War and Wisdom eventually recovered the Katana, and prevented it frm becoming a sword of darkness.

The second documented encounter with Monsignor O'Donnell came at the Risen Savior chantry in Miami, where Eric Simmons served as a Catholic priest.


Evil and chaos.