Gaming Quotes

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Super Happy Fun Gaming Quotes for your Complete and Total Enjoyment and Amusement


Cartney - "Bad things happen when I drink!"
JJ - "Like what?"
Cartney - "Like I end up in America!"

Mike Mike singing a song about a Dreamspeaker - "I'm a Dreamspeaker, I'm walking through the Umbra 'cause the Umbra is my bitch."

Kid Africa - "At least Damien had style."
Porter - "Oh no, you didn't." *snap*
Cartney - "Oh, he's gay!" (Referencing Porter)

Josh explaining why seeing a Winter Sidhe freaked him out - "I have a snowflake in my head!!!"

Quiz talking about Chow's Knights Templar armor - "It has a to armor."

Mike Mike simulating a dialogue that may arise after a Cultist tries to lick their way through a certain something - "How did you lose your tongue?" "Chorister warding."

Nara - "I think we've set precedence for all the Mage players all over the world. There is an It X in Balador."

Richard - new term coined on 1.4.08: "ball-jacking". This is when the pearl on a blackberry is jacked.

Mike Mike - "Yummy tastes like guilt."

Adrian in response to Edi's (Kyra's char) utter evisceration of a werewolf - "I think I'm in love."

Storytelling Siin sneezes halfway through a scene description - "Apparently I'm allergic to plot."

Mike Mike in reference to some Progenitors' crazy injectable truth serum - "It's like a mental colonoscopy."

Mike Mike GM'ing some NPC's - "I saw a Euthanatos in a Yankees shirt." "Hey Joe, put all our money on the Yankees!"

In response to an accusation of book theft, Zeke answers the Hermetic back with a Haiku:
Boku no uchi
wa hon ga arimasen,
ichiban baka...
(The books are not in my house, you huge idiot...)

While working on a project, Daisy offers to help the Toymaker:
"I really want to help you take it apart." -- Daisy
"Well, you can just stand there." -- Toymaker

"I wind the monkey!" -- Toymaker

"I don't let you talk to my normal customers. I'm certainly not going to let you talk to my half-dead customers." -- Sergei

Daisy and others are in a cave where the walls are made of souls stitched/merged together. They are holding the latest victims captives prisoner until they can be integrated into the walls. Daisy offers a solution: "I don't understand why I just can't taze the wall!"


Caine (Rob's Character): "Anyone will talk if you pour gasoline over their kids!"

Biggio Goon: "I'm not running from Biggio, I'm bait!" Goon to Slim Marcone, after he and his crew had extracted him from a street clinic.

Nathanial Blackwing (Head of the Tir Ghosts) to Eldor: "Prince Lofwyr will see you now."

Guard (To Spiff, Mike's character, where he and his team are in a Crash Cart outside of a Vector Sigma Hospital, trying to perform covert survellience): "May I ask why you are waiting here?"
Spiff: "We are waiting for approval to take this guy into the ER. The paperwork hasn't been approved yet."
Spiff: "Really? Let me see what I can do...(A few seconds later)...Ahh, the paperwork has been approved. Pull into the ambulance bay."
Spiff: "Err...hold on...looks like this guy's insurance just ran out...sorry dude. (Starts unloading Siin's character KnightDemon, who is playing the role of the patient). No insurance, no service."
KnightDemon: "But wait, I got money...(holds out a credstick)."
Spiff calls headquarters, and using his charisma, convinces the guard that he is having trouble with 'paperwork': "Yes... that'll be a new account...NEW ACCOUNT...why can't they ever get things straight..."

Star Wars

Elix (Mike H's char): "Ah, finally someone who is comfortable with death."
Sulaan (Nara's char): "More comfortable than you know. MuAHAHAHAHA" (Yes, she really did the maniacal laugh)

Zahl Ro (Siin's now deceased Shi'ido): "Don't worry, I'll get out of the way as you fire the torpedo."

Mike H's character talking to Vader regarding mutually beneficial information.
Vader: "What do you want for this information?"
Talus Fel: "I want you to say 'Please'."