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A call to war

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:44 pm
by Jhaiisiin
Two figures stood in the grand hall of the Jedi Enclave. They are arguing, and to the unknowning observer, they could be interpreted to hardly be friends, and possibly two bitter rivals. The truth is far different. One, a Cerean named Lon Orus-Kaito stood cool and collected, actions typical of his race, while the other, a Cathar named Andyr Pryde stood bristling with anger. To the outside observer, this would likely be thought to be directed at the Cerean. The conversation between them however revealed a much different truth.

"The only choice we have is to go and fight," growled the Cathar. "It is our duty to protect those that need help!"

"It's also our duty to follow the tennants of the Jedi Code, and the Council that upholds that code," countered the Cerean "I'm not dismissing your point of view, simply offering a second."

"People are dieing, can you sit and watch?"

The Cerean took a few moments to contemplate this question. His fingers rubbed at his chin briefly before he responded. "I can," he said confidently, "but not in good conscience. The Jedi are Guardians of Peace. It follows that in time of War, we'd strive to return Peace to the Galaxy. Let us hope this War can be won quickly."

The Cathar's response was low, but still tinged with focused anger at the situation. "Without our help, there is no end in sight."

"There is an end to any journey," the Cerean offered. "The only question becomes, is it the destination that we can live with?"

Andyr sighed his large shoulders sulking down. He looked up meeting the Cerean's eyes. "Sometimes, my friend, peace can only be acheived though a show of force."

The Cerean relented. "That is a point I must concede. Diplomacy cannot win every battle."

"And as much as we have tried, the Council has not found a diplomatic solution." His point was true in every regard, and he knew his friend saw this as well.

"Agreed. It seems these Mandelorians have no interest in Peace. A curious notion. From my own standpoint, waging war for the sake of battle would seem... self destructive." The Cerean seemed slightly puzzled at this thought.

"It is not my intention to stand against the council. But i cannot sit by and let innocent people die," stated the Cathar, matter-of-factly. "These Mandelorians are not rational men. They fight for the sake of violence. They will unfortunatly see this through to the bitter end."

"In this I am with you, My Friend. I've long considered the decision of the Council to refrain from doing battle with the Mandelorians, and I believe while there may be wisdom in their decision, I'm not certain it's the right one."

The two nodded to each other, finally in agreement on a course of action, and headed for the exit to the Enclave. They had people to protect.

A call to war

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:20 am
by Snake
*Giggles like a school girl*

A call to war

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:08 am
by Jhaiisiin
In case it wasn't apparent, this is an interaction between Mike and I's characters.

A call to war

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:37 pm
by Snake
Sweet you guys have it all worked out! I'm glad... You'll meet your... superior on sunday...