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"The Dinko News network..."

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:29 pm
by Snake
"Thank you Dak that was far more information on Colonic blockage than we needed to hear. Now coming live from the galactic senate room is our Rodian correspondant Grota."

"Neecha wanka to dorie wa{The translator finally kicks in} Yes thats right in just 8 short galactic standard weeks one of the biggest decisions in galactic history will be made right here."

"It all started a few months ago with the usual question of whether or not those born quote "Force sensitive" are a threat to normal lifeforms without access to the force. Senator Gabbo of Toydaria had this to say."

"It's a danger to the welfare of the republic and the galaxy that these... Freaks are aloud to roam free amongst us without any kind of special arrangements to prevent them from flaunting they're powers and hurting innocents."

"That speech was given two months ago. Since then Senator Gabbo had led a tireless crusade until just last week when the ship transporting him from tatooine to Nal Hutta was destroyed by unknown assailants as senator Gabbo was about to make an historic speech regarding the so-called force user registration act the very next day. This following the recent assassinations of hutt businessmen and their followers. Many view this not as a coincidence but as a galaxy wide conspiracy designed to keep non-force sensitives out of the loop. Grota, Dinko News correspondant"