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A life passes on the wind

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:25 am
by Jhaiisiin
Jobs had been infrequent of late, and more often he found himself simply wandering the core worlds searching for a job, and keeping his ear to the ground for any news that might interest him. He had many friends abroad, some of whom he had not seen or spoken to in some time. Some of those friends he owed a great debt to, and in time he knew he could repay those debts. Destiny simply had to show him the door.

"Hey Praz!" The voice was shrill and excited, but familiar. A contact named Briz if he wasn't too much mistaken. A glance over his shoulder confirmed the identity of the person asking for him. Praz kept walking, knowing Briz would catch up.

"Wait up guy!" As expected, Briz fell in beside him shortly. The young man had skin with an orangish tint and spiked hair that seemed fine. Two small antennae protruded from his skull which marked him as a Balosar. "How ya been man?"

Praz gave him a sidelong glance. "You normally don't ask. What happened?"

"Well, you told me once about this Wookie you dealt with in the past. Saved your life or somesuch, right?" Praz merely nodded a confirmation. "Right. Word on the wire is that he's been shuffled loose his mortal coil."

That stopped him cold. Issorrwor was dead? That's a trick. The furball was always resiliant. Hell, he'd certainly pulled my hoop out of the fire more than once. "How?"

"No clue guy. Thought you'd want to know though."

"Find out for me. As soon as possible. This is important Briz. I'll double your usual fee."

"Wow. Okay, you got it. I'll be back as soon as I have an idea."

* * * * *

"Yeah, I got a little info. It's not much though. Don't know exactly who killed him or why, but I do have a bead on the last group of people known to have had contact with him." Briz looked solem when he was relaying the information.

"So who are they then?"

"A group of mercenaries. Mostly force users it seems. I'm sending you the info now on them. What are you gonna do."

"Well that depends on them really. Thanks for the info Briz."

Praz ended the transmission and went to his equipment room. He readied his personal armor and weapons and began thinking on this. I hate force users, but if they're the ones who killed Izzy, then they'll pay for his life in blood...

A life passes on the wind

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:48 pm
by Snake
Pretty Good... BTW the race (if it's the same race as the "Deathstick" seller in Episode 2) are called Balosar...

A life passes on the wind

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:16 pm
by Jhaiisiin
LOL Yeah, I was gonna update that as soon as I nabbed the book. And you're right, it is deathstick boy.