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A price for blood

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:06 pm
by Boris
(Draft 1)


Shhhhhhhhhk. Shhhhhhhhhhhhk.

"A whetstone pulled across the blade of a knife is a beautiful sound..."


"It can mean so very..."





Thund. Footsteps. Pain. Heat. Light. Nothing...

The body of the Lannik hung, upside-down, from a length of black rope in the middle of the room. Her hands were bound behind her, she was stripped from the waste down, and she was missing an ear. He picked up a rag from the table, and wiped her blood from his knife. He wiped as much of the blood as he can from the rag then throw it carelessly back into the room.

Zand plunged his hands into the cool water, then his face, scrubbing vigorusly. Torture was messy work. Luckily Nar Shaddaa had many quiet holes for messy work, that mysterious clean themselves up. Zand shrugged on a clean shirt, slung his pack over both shoulders, tighened the straps and had just finished placing his Disc at his back when he heard a lighter behind him.

The man wore a dark cloak hiding all his features, nothing was visible except the hand the held onto the walking cane.

"This isn't your style, my're always..." He pushed the Lannik's ear across the slick floor with his cane... "more discreet."

"Darth Chade." Zand bowed low, silently counting all his weapons and search the room with practiced ease. "You honor me with your presence."

"I didn't ask for flattery." The old man snapped. "What is this mess?"

"This Lannik sold me out to a Hutt, and then had the audacity to try to kill me."

The old man straightened up, and his black hood fell back reveling the dark eyes of a Blood Carver. "And how do you know she wasn't one of mine? Maybe you failed me.."

"With all do respect Master. I saw her, caught her, killed her. She wasn't one of yours. If she was, you disgrace yourself. If I did fail you..." Zand glared at the hanging corpse "..I am redeemed. "

A smiled spread across his face and he nodded, hobbling slowly towards the door. "That you are my boy, that you are. Do what you must, I have more politics on the Sith counsil do deal with, just thought I would check on you...oh by the way boy, That Jedi Wookie you run around with was killed today but that Hutt. Make me proud."

Zand bowed again towards his master and slung his rifle over his rifle shoulder in a grip he could get to easily reach. A stone look crossed his face as he tied his black covering over his eyes.

Vengeance, now that is a beautiful sound.

A price for blood

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:21 am
by Snake
Damn Sir... I caount at LEAST 3 Darkside points... probably 4... I hesitate to ask what happened to the Ewok... BTW take a Level...