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Starting anew

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:01 pm
by Jhaiisiin
It was a beautiful day on that forrested world. I can no longer remember its name, but I had sought refuge there in an attempt to escapte the persistant game hunters that hounded my species and wished to bring proof of our existance to light. That day I walked as a quadrapedal canine native to that part of the forrest. I had hoped that the form might keep my hunter at bay. Unfortunately, he was far more tenacious than I had planned for.

He had hunted me across 3 worlds now. Each time I barely escaped, and both he and I were growing frustrated. My own frustration stemmed from my inability to shake him loose. Normally I didn't have these kind of problems. Change forms a couple times or hop through trees and most pursuers lose you outright. This one didn't. He was what they called a Mandalorian, and he was named Grek from what I gathered. He was an excellent tracker. Better than any I had ever seen. Now I believe he may have been Force Sensitive, and had been keying into my force signature. There can be no other explanation as to how he continued to find me even when I left no tracks.

I found myself running yet again when I caught his scent on the wind. Nature had favored me that day in that forrest, constantly shifting wind directions so he couldn't stay downwind for long. I knew this world had sparse settlements, and hermits had often built cottages within the woods to be closer to the simple life that nature provided. I worked hard to evade my pursuer, and made a beeline towards a cottage I knew to be abandoned. I look back now and realize that my troubles would have been doubled if my knowledge had been wrong. Thankfully though, I had been correct.

I entered the cottage and shifted as quickly as I could to one of the native humanoids. I made certain to look extra gruff so I appeared to have been in the area a long time. I prepared the cottage to give it a lived in look, and quite literally stumbled upon some loose floorboards. Pulling at them revealed a cache of modern blasters and rifles. Apparently the previous owner had either forgotten about them or hadn't had the chance to retrieve them. I picked up one of the larger weapons, and tried to steady it in an aim towards the door. Using a simple color change, I matched my skin to the darkened areas of the cabin behind me, so that i would be far more difficult to notice.

I know now that I had been holding that blaster carbine completely wrong, and I'm lucky I hit anything other than the wall. I sat patiently waiting for the Mandalorian to come through the door. He was cautious and opened the door slowly. Once he silouetted in the door, I pulled the trigger. The shot surprised me and went wild, barely scathing his shoulder. Luckily it caught him by surprise and gave me enough time to place a proper shot straight into his chest. He returned fire, planting a clean hole in the wall just to the right of my skull. Luckily he didn't fire a second time. My final blaster shot had burned a hole right through his armor, killing him instantly. I figure now I must have inadvertantly overcharged the carbine, giving it that extra damage. An acrid smell came from the carbine afterwards, so I left it behind.

Looking the former hunter over, I assumed his likeness and donned his armor. He had a ship nearby and I was able to fake my way back into it. It would be many years before any other suspected I was something other than how I looked.